Best friends
We are Pat and Mat! Surely you know us from our popular television series which is broadcasted by various TV stations around the world. Actually, we are two traditional neighbours and we share our lives for better and worse. No problem is too big for us and we both fix every challenge. AJETO !
OK, we do admit: quite often things do not go as smoothly as we wish and most of the time we have to use our creativity to make sure that things end up as we would like them to be. But that’s fine. Together we are smart and strong and in the end we always make things happen.
45 years ago our very first television episode was produced and at the same time we have been neighbors for 45 years .
Don’t you think that is unique!
This website is made to celebrate our friendship with you. Here you will find fun games, news, surprising activities and information which is important for you as a dedicated Pat en Mat fan. We are sure you will enjoy our site!
Did you know that we are famous in other countries too, but with different names? Sometimes our names Pat and Mat are hard to pronounce in other languages. That’s why our names may be different in your country. Click below button and you can read all our names. Challenge: try to pronounce them…!
Episode titles
Our TV-adventures keep on going! Click the button below to see all episode titles.
Our episodes titles. Click here:
Below you will find a list of all episode titles and the year of introduction.
1 1976 Tinkers
2 1979 Tapestry
3 1979 Workshop
4 1979 Carpet
5 1979 Rocking Chair
6 1979 Picture
7 1979 Garage
8 1979 Light (The Light)
9 1981 Record Player (Gramophone)
10 1981 Grill
11 1982 Removal (Moving Day)
12 1982 Water Voda
13 1982 Garden
14 1982 Painting Job
15 1982 Jumpers
16 1982 Crossword (Crossword Puzzle)
17 1983 Bird Feeder (Birdhouse)
18 1983 Big Laundry (Laundry Day)
19 1983 Gym
20 1983 Breakfast (Breakfast in Grass)
21 1983 Washing Machine
22 1983 Rain
23 1984 Excursion (Trip)
24 1984 Winegrowers (Winemakers)
25 1984 Skates
26 1984 Piano
27 1985 Potters
28 1985 Defect (Malfunction)
29 1985 Apple
30 1989 Key (The Key)
31 1989 Furniture
32 1990 Mowing Machine (Lawnmower)
33 1990 Big Cleanup
34 1990 Roof
35 1990 Door
36 1992 Biscuits
37 1992 Garage Door
38 1992 Cyclists
39 1992 Paving Bricks (Tiles)
40 1992 Parquetry (Parquet)
41 1992 Gutter Pipe
42 1992 Convertible
43 1994 Flat Tire (Accident)
44 1994 Billiards
45 1994 Quickset Hedge (Hedgerow)
46 1994 Safe (The Safe)
47 1994 Mudguard (Fender)
48 1994 Model Builders
49 1994 Windsurfing Windsurfing
50 1998 Playing Cards
51 2002 Puzzle
52 2003 Roasted Sausages
53 2003 Roof Repair
54 2003 Black Box
55 2003 Furniture on wheels
56 2003 Dog House
57 2003 Lacquering the Floor
58 2003 The Greenhouse
59 2003 The Swing
60 2003 Unwanted Guest
61 2003 Bodyguards
62 2003 Painting The Windows
63 2003 Easter Egg
64 2003 Slim Figure
65 2003 Vending Machine
66 2003 Autodrome
67 2003 Aquarium
68 2003 Canning
69 2003 Hang Glider
70 2003 Christmas Cake
71 2003 Flu Stůňou
72 2003 Fax Machine Fax
73 2003 Strawberries
74 2004 Playing Golf
75 2004 Bottle Cap
76 2004 Swimming Pool
77 2004 Hanging a Painting
78 2004 Christmas Tree
79 2009 Beds
80 2011 Water Supply
81 2011 Paper Plates
82 2011 Projector
83 2012 Vacuum Cleaner
84 2012 The Pool
85 2012 The Floor
86 2013 Deadwood
87 2014 Orange Juice
88 2014 Bicycle
89 2015 Cactus
90 2015 Bathroom Tiles
91 2015 Sun Cover
92 2018 Bees
93 2018 (Solar) Lawnmower
94 2018 Mole
95 2018 Rodeo Rodeo
96 2018 Carousel
97 2018 Dishwasher
98 2018 Fence Plot
99 2018 Clogged Chimney
100 2018 Waste
101 2018 Power Station
102 2018 Rock Garden
103 2018 Stairs
104 2018 Camera
105 2018 Calamity
106 2018 Christmas Lights
107 2018 Sauna
108 2018 Nativity Scene
109 2018 Tree
110 2018 Gifts
111 2018 New Year
112 2019 Christmas Card
113 2019 Potato Salad
114 2019 Carp
115 2019 Gingerbread House
116 2019 Glazed Frost
117 2019 Igloo
118 2019 Pancakes
119 2019 Flying Machine
120 2019 Popcorn
121 2019 Furniture
122 2019 Car Wash
123 2019 Harvest
124 2019 Phototrap
125 2020 Barbecue
126 2020 Tube Post
127 2020 Ice Making
128 2020 Pizza
129 2020 Bread
130 2020 Garage Door
Source: (c) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_%26_Mat
What are our names in various countries?! Click here
Arabic | “زينغو و رينغو” (Zingo and Ringo) |
Catalan | “En Pat i en Mat” |
“A je to! (I to je to!) Pat i Mat” | |
Danish | “Naboerne Per & Mads (The Neighbors Per & Mads)” |
Dutch* | “Buurman en Buurman” (Neighbour and Neighbour), formerly “De twee stuntels” (The two klutzes) |
English | “Pat and Mat” |
Estonian | “Meistrimehed Pat ja Mat” (Handymen Pat and Mat) |
Finnish | “Hupsis!, Pat ja Mat” (Oops!, Pat and Mat) |
German | “… und fertig!” (… and that’s it!), “Pat und Mat”, “Peter und Paul”, “Sepp und Heiri” (in Switzerland), “Mack und Macke (in DDR) |
Hungarian | “Kétbalkezesek” (Fumblers) (literally “2 Left Handers”), Pat és Mat |
Icelandic | “Klaufabárðarnir” (The clumsy guys) |
Japanese | “パットとマット” |
Korean | “패트와 매트” |
Macedonian | “Пат и Мат” |
Norwegian | “To gode naboer” (Two Good Neighbours) |
Persian | “!همینه ” (This is it!) also “پت و مت” (Pat & Mat) |
Polish | “Sąsiedzi (The Neighbours), Pat i Mat” |
Portuguese | “Zeca e Joca” |
Romanian | “Asta e! Pat și Mat” |
Russian | “Тяпа и Ляпа” (Tlyapa and Lyapa), “Пат и Мат”, “Соседи” (Neighbours) |
Slovenian | “A je to! Pat in Mat” |
South-Africa | “Hans en Mans” |
Spanish | “Los Chapuceros”, “Pat y Mat” |
Swedish | “Två snubbar (Two dudes) |
Welsh | “Now a Ned” |
Funny games!
Birthday Page
Make your own birthday decoration products. Cupcakes, flags and lot’s more. A guaranteed success on every party!
Creative Play
Create your amazing shoe box viewer, Find a shoebox and start creating your miniature Pat & Mat world.
Lots of fun with great games and challenges. And off course free download! AJETO!